Thursday, November 20, 2014


Welcome to my blog!

This is my first actual blog, per se. But, I kept an online journal for years. It was deeply satisfying to see my inner monologue spewed across the screen, and even more satisfying to know it had viewership.  There is something comforting about knowing that you are leaving something for posterity (even if the inherent value of what is being left behind is negligible).

But somehow in the busyness of an enormous life, I forgot to write, and, more tragically, I forgot how much I loved to write.  So, after a 7 year hiatus, tonight I pick up the digital pen and begin again.

I imagine the posts to come will be part intended as soliloquy, and part intended for dialogue, a play by play of life in progress and a commentary on the process of becoming whoever it is I'm (still) becoming.

The last 7  years have been, to say the least, overwhelming.  I'll write about some of those experiences in days to come, but for now, I am ready to take some really big risks for the sake of becoming the change I hope to see in the world. (thanks, Gandhi!) I've practiced with some small ones, but I am deeply satisfied and I crave more. Somehow, I'm not sitting so comfortably in the skin I'm in. 

So, here's to next steps, possibilities, and words.